Dentist and dental assistant opening van door


Elderly woman holding a nurse's hand

aged care
mobile dental service

A dentist examines a young girl's teeth

Your Smile.
Our Passion.

A dentist is checking inside the mouth of a young toddler

Dental care for the whole family

Businesspeople meeting in a boardroom

Dental care for the whole family

Full lower denture on display with an examination kit

Dental care for the whole family

Dentist and Dental assistant standing in front of a van

To provide and improve access to dental services for all Australians, nationwide

Discover how MDCA can be your complete mobile dentist solution today!

Mobile Dental Clinics Australia (MDCA) is a wholly Australian owned family business providing mobile emergency, general and dental laboratory services throughout Australia.

Our mobile clinics are completely portable which allows us to see patients that normally can’t get to the dentist.

Take a look at the video below to see how we can offer this dental service almost anywhere.

Award Winning Business

Australian Small Business Champion Awards Winner's Certificate

Who we work with…

more than
400 facilities
